KommerceServer webStoreFront
Integrated B2B and B2C Storefront, Portal and Mobile Solutions

Exceptional B2B/B2C eCommerce Software
Searching for an easy to implement, feature rich, yet cost-effective eCommerce storefront software solution? You've come to the right place!Most of the eCommerce storefront software solutions today seem to end up a compromise. If feature rich, they invariably are difficult and costly to implement. If they are easy to implement, it seems they lack many essential features. KommerceServer webStoreFront is different, it's a no-compromise eCommerce storefront solution, delivering all the features you need while remaining easy to implement and cost-effective.
New! KommerceServer Release 5.14 is now available, contact Kore to see a product demonstration.

The KommerceServer webStoreFront provides a powerful eCommerce storefront that is designed for manufacturers, distributors and retailers with effective support for both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) environment. Expand your market reach, boost online sales and compete more effectively in the global market while you connect with customers and collaborate with partners.webStoreFront includes significant out-of-the-box functionality with an easy-to-use interface that allows for customization of product content, taxonomy, advanced search, and more--without requiring code changes. All the necessary software and services are included and we guarantee the implementation. Replace your Web site or integrate with your existing site. The software is configurable and can be customized if needed, plus you can tailor the look and feel to meet your needs.
KommerceServer has pre-defined integrations to several ERP systems such as: Epicor Eclipse, Epicor Prelude, Epicor DataFlo and Infor LN (Baan).
KommerceServer Key Benefits
A modern corporate website will enhance your ability to sell online, make it easy for your customers to do business with you and streamline your operations thereby saving you money.- Expand your market reach and boost sales
- Enhance your online presence and search engine visibility
- Improve your company image and strengthen your brand
- Embraces today's modern buyers research, review and buy cycle
- Provide secure 24/7 shopping and customer self-service
- Improve customer acquisition, loyalty and retention
- Reduce sales and service costs and streamline operations
- Highly functional, scalable, and cost-effective solution
- Easy to learn, use and administer

Mobile Ready
KommerceServer is Mobile ready out-of-the-box. Get the power of the webStoreFront in a compact mobile solution with a streamlined, responsive interface that is designed for the requirements and workflow of the mobile user. A perfect complement to your corporate website.KommerceServer Key Features
KommerceServer webStoreFront has the enterprise class features you need for Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer environments.- Appealing modern look and feel
- Seamless integration with back office systems
- Mobile eCommerce that works for any mobile device
- Supports B2B and B2C environments
- Supports multiple stores and micro sites
- Flexible database-driven online product catalog
- Integrated Apache Solr search engine
- Powerful catalog browse and search capabilities
- Online content management of all product data
- Users can create product reviews and rate products
- Search engine friendly with integrated SEO configuration
- Extensive options for pricing, discounts, markups
- Sophisticated image management system
- Shopping lists that encourage repeat orders
- Complementary product suggestions for up-selling
- Integrated PCI compliant credit card payments
- Real-time shipping and tax calculations
- Customizable appearance and functionality
- Multiple options for calculating freight and tax
- Dynamic role-based object security model
- Highly reliable, scalable, and secure design
- Compatible with virtually any back office application
- Multi-currency ready

Customer webPortal
For additional capabilities you can add the optional enterprise customer information portal to your eCommerce solution with KommerceServer webPortal. This provides your customers with the convenience of 24/7 self-service capability so they can quickly and easily track in-transit shipments, view their current orders, see their order history, easily reorder products, and more.
Designed for Back Office Integration
KommerceServer webStoreFront is designed for integration with a back office system. This integration provides key information for the webStoreFront such as: customers, parts, prices, inventory, etc.KommerceServer uses Kore's Kourier Integrator product to enable integration with other back office systems. A key feature of Kourier Integrator is the ability to update the KommerceServer SQL Server database in near real-time with only the most recent changes from the back office system. This makes it fast and easy to keep the systems synchronized and boosts overall performance.
KommerceServer has pre-defined integrations to several ERP systems such as: Epicor Eclipse, Epicor Prelude, Epicor DataFlo and Infor LN (Baan).
KommerceServer Architecture Advantages
The fact that KommerceServer uses Microsoft SQL Server as its transaction database, plus the overall architecture and integration design of KommerceServer provides many advantages and benefits compared to an eCommerce system that is directly connected to your MulitiValue back office system.These advantages include:
- Increased Security
- Improved Performance
- Independent Operation
- Higher Scalability
- More Flexibility
Guaranteed Implementation
The KommerceServer solutions are designed to expedite your eCommerce implementation and minimize costs. The solution pricing includes all the software and services needed for a complete eCommerce Solution.KommerceServer solutions can be deployed to a service provider or it can be hosted locally. In either case, your systems must meet certain minimum requirements, contact Kore for details.
eCommerce storefront software and Web portal solutions that extend your enterprise over the Internet, allowing you to connect with customers, collaborate with partners, and compete more effectively in the global market!
KommerceServer webStoreFront. Exceptional eCommerce storefront software that is feature rich, easy to implement, and cost-effective. So what are you waiting for?!
KommerceServer webStoreFront. Exceptional eCommerce storefront software that is feature rich, easy to implement, and cost-effective. So what are you waiting for?!
Call Kore Technologies for more information and to schedule a detailed product demonstration.

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