Kore Tech Tip
How to Unroll End of Month Sales Totals
Unrolling Monthly Sales Totals in DataFlo
As some things often go, the Roll process might get accidentally run a day or two early and then what o you do?
In DataFlo, normally at the end of each month (or end of the period) you run the "Roll Monthly Sales Totals" (MSO-U-03) process to put the "Current" period numbers into their current year buckets and then clear the current year fields so that the new period numbers can be stored.
As some things often go, the Roll process might get accidentally run a day or two early and then what do you do? It used to be you had to have someone write/run a rebuild sales analysis utility program which took a while and could even cost you a few dollars. Well, here is a fast little utility program that will "unroll" the Sales Analysis files so you can run the process again later.
The following program may be entered and compiled into your DW-CONV file. To execute this program you will need to provide the password "HOWDY".
Warning: You should backup your data before running this program. Once this program is run you cannot reverse the data. Although this program has been tested by Kore, we do not guarantee that will perform as expected.
Notes: This program is compatible with DataFlo Version 5.4 and higher. This program can be run when users are processing Invoices.
In DataFlo, normally at the end of each month (or end of the period) you run the "Roll Monthly Sales Totals" (MSO-U-03) process to put the "Current" period numbers into their current year buckets and then clear the current year fields so that the new period numbers can be stored.
As some things often go, the Roll process might get accidentally run a day or two early and then what do you do? It used to be you had to have someone write/run a rebuild sales analysis utility program which took a while and could even cost you a few dollars. Well, here is a fast little utility program that will "unroll" the Sales Analysis files so you can run the process again later.
The following program may be entered and compiled into your DW-CONV file. To execute this program you will need to provide the password "HOWDY".
Warning: You should backup your data before running this program. Once this program is run you cannot reverse the data. Although this program has been tested by Kore, we do not guarantee that will perform as expected.
Notes: This program is compatible with DataFlo Version 5.4 and higher. This program can be run when users are processing Invoices.
** PROGRAM : Z.UNROLL.SA.PERIOD ** PURPOSE : Reverse Rolling the most current Sales Analysis Period ** AUTHOR : pault, Kore Technologies ** WARNINGS: No Reversal after this program is run. ** NOTE : This program can be run with users processing Invoices. **************************************************************** ** 00,10-27-05,pault: New. **************************************************************** PRINT "Enter password to run Z.UNROLL.SA.PERIOD ": INPUT ANS IF ANS # "HOWDY" THEN STOP * OPEN "SACUST" TO F.SACUST ELSE CRT"Can't open SACUST";STOP OPEN "SAPART" TO F.SAPART ELSE CRT"Can't open SAPART";STOP CFG.FLG=1 OPEN "SAOPTIONS" TO F.OPTIONS ELSE CFG.FLG=0 OPEN "SO-TABLE" TO F.TABLE ELSE CRT"Can't open SO-TABLE";STOP READU ANALYSIS FROM F.TABLE,'ANALYSIS' ELSE PRINT "Cannot read ANALYSIS table, program halted!" RELEASE F.TABLE,'ANALYSIS' ; STOP END * I=1 LOOP UNTIL ANALYSIS<2,I> # "Y" DO I=I+1 REPEAT PERIOD = I-1 IF PERIOD < 1 OR PERIOD > 12 THEN PRINT "Period calculated as ":PERIOD:", program halting, cant process!" STOP END PRINT "Period to Unroll is calculated to be ":PERIOD:"." PRINT "OK to Continue, Y/N ": INPUT ANS IF ANS # "Y" THEN PRINT "Program halted!" * CRT "Processing SAPART" * SELECT F.SAPART 10 READNEXT ID ELSE GO 19 READU ITEM FROM F.SAPART,ID ELSE ITEM="" IF ITEM = "" THEN RELEASE F.SAPART,ID END ELSE GOSUB UpdateItem WRITE ITEM ON F.SAPART,ID END GO 10 * 19 CRT "Processing SACUST" * SELECT F.SACUST 20 READNEXT ID ELSE GO 29 READU ITEM FROM F.SACUST,ID ELSE ITEM="" IF ITEM = "" THEN RELEASE F.SACUST,ID END ELSE GOSUB UpdateItem WRITE ITEM ON F.SACUST,ID END GO 20 * 29 IF NOT(CFG.FLG) THEN GO 99 CRT "Processing SAOPTIONS" * SELECT F.OPTIONS 30 READNEXT ID ELSE GO 99 READU ITEM FROM F.OPTIONS,ID ELSE ITEM="" IF ITEM = "" THEN RELEASE F.OPTIONS,ID END ELSE GOSUB UpdateItem WRITE ITEM ON F.OPTIONS,ID END GO 30 * 99 CRT "Updating the Sales Analysis Control Table" * ANALYSIS<2,PERIOD>="" ANALYSIS<3>=DATE():"*":"Z.UNROLL.SA.PERIOD ":PERIOD ANALYSIS<4,PERIOD>=DATE()+10 ;* Give them 10 days to Roll Month again WRITE ANALYSIS ON F.TABLE,'ANALYSIS' * STOP ;***************************************** Program End * UpdateItem: * PERIOD.QTY = FIELD(ITEM<11,PERIOD>,'*',2) PERIOD.SALES = FIELD(ITEM<11,PERIOD>,'*',3) PERIOD.COSTS = FIELD(ITEM<16,PERIOD>,'*',3) ITEM<4> = ITEM<4> + PERIOD.QTY ITEM<5> = ITEM<5> + PERIOD.SALES ITEM<13> = ITEM<13> + PERIOD.COSTS ITEM = DELETE(ITEM,11,PERIOD) ITEM = DELETE(ITEM,16,PERIOD) * RETURN ****************************************************** END
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