Kore News and Press

MultiValue Experts Offer Predictions for 2017

December 14th, 2016 | In the News: Company, DBTA, MultiValue, RESTful Web Services, Integration, eCommerce

Kore Chimes in with Its Thoughts and Predictions for the Future


Kore Technologies spends a lot of time working with MultiValue (MV) technology, for example integrating MV applications with other systems and databases using our Kourier Integrator solution. We are a big fan of MultiValue and know quite a bit about its strengths (e.g., the low cost of database administration and speed of application development ) and challenges (e.g., accessing MV data using modern reporting tools, integration with other systems).

Of course we are not the only ones who like MultiValue. In fact, there are many successful commercial applications still based upon MV technology. But what does the future hold for MultiValue? Database Trends and Applications magazine (DBTA) posed that very question to several MultiValue experts, including Kore's own Keith Lambert (vice-president, marketing and business development), and published their answers in this article. Enjoy!  
The trend towards using real-time integration and RESTful web services for integrating MultiValue applications will continue and accelerate...
- Keith Lambert, Kore Technologies